Book: The 80/20 Rule; Step-1

Published: 1997 & Pages: 336

11x Step Learning

Introduction of the Book

The 80/20 Principle” is a landmark book, on self-improvement, efficiency and time management. It was published in 1997, a 336 pages book. It has been a worldwide best seller. 80/20 Principle also known as 80/20 Rule or Pareto Rule. This 80/20 rule, is central point of the book. It states; in every walk of life, what all we do (input); only 20% of our input – produces 80% of results (output). And, it applies to everything; positive OR negative; in life; 20% of movies of Hollywood, earn its 80% revenues. 20% of drivers are responsible for 80% of road accidents. 20% of world authors/writers, earn 80% of readers. It implies; 20% of our efforts, earn 80% of our life’s output. This means if we recognize and focus on this 20% of our input, we can increase our efficiency dramatically.

In our fast-paced world today, many of us face incredibly long to-do lists every day. We often start our day with the goal of completing the first task on our list quickly, only to discover that two new tasks have cropped up in the meantime. Likewise, businesses are overwhelmed by complexity, as they strive to serve multiple markets with an abundance of different products, trying to manage them all, much like a circus clown juggling countless balls in the air.

Amidst this chaos, understanding what truly matters has never been more crucial. This is where the remarkable 80/20 Principle comes into play. It might seem simple, but it wields immense power. This universal concept highlights an interesting imbalance between the effort we put in and the rewards we reap, helping us use our work time more efficiently. What’s even more intriguing is that this principle doesn’t just apply to individuals; it’s a game-changer for companies as well. Rather than doing more, it teaches them to achieve success by doing less, which might sound counterintuitive but has been proven to work. 

Moreover, this principle can be extended to your personal life, enhancing your happiness and satisfaction in your relationships with others. All it takes is adopting the right 80/20 mindset, and the insights here will guide you on how to do just that.

بسم اللہ الرحمان الرحیم،
کتاب، ٹپنگ پوائنٹ (The Tipping Point) میلکم گلیڈ ویل نے سال ۲۰۰۰ میں لکھی، یہ ۳۰۰ صفحات کی کتاب ہے۔ اور اپنی اشاعت کیساتھ ہی یہ کتاب بہت زیادہ فروخت ہونے والی کتابوں میں شامل ہو چکی تھی۔ یہ کتاب ہماری دنیا میں پاےَ جانے والے ٹپنگ پوائنٹس کے بارے میں ہے۔ مصنف کے مطابق، ہر چیز، ہر آئیڈیا کا ایک ٹپنگ پوائنٹ آتا ہے، اور جب یہ پوائنٹ آ جاتا ہے تو پھر وہ چیز، وہ آئیڈیا ایک متعدی (Infectious ) بیماری کی طرح،جنگل کے آگ کی طرح پھِیل جاتی ہے۔
مثلا ہش پپیز (Hush Puppies ) کافی عرصہ تک صرف شیلف پر موجود تھے، انہیں کوئی نہیں جانتا تھا۔ پھر ۱۹۹۰ کی دھائی میں مین ہٹن (Manhattan ) کے چند اہم لوگوں نے ان شوز کو استعمال کرنا شروع کیا۔ اور پھر جیسے ہش پپیز- یکدم پوری دنیا میں مشہور ہوگئے۔ انکی سیل اگلے سال ۳۰ ہزار ، پھر اگلے سال چار لاکھ تیس ہزار اور اس سے اگلے سال بیس لاکھ شوز بیچے گئے۔ تو ہش پپیز-بننے کے اگلے سال ہی نہیں، بلکہ چند لوگوں کی لگاتار محنت نے چند سالوں کے بعد انہیں کامیابی ملی۔
اور معاشرتی سطح پر وائرل ہونے والی چیزوں کی مثال بھی، متعدی (تیزی سے) پھیلنے والی بیماریوں کی طرح ہے۔ اور کسی چیز کے وائرل ہونے میں بعض اوقات چھوٹی چھوٹی چیزیں اہم رول پلے کرتی ہیں۔ مثلا سردیوں میں وائرس زیادہ تیزی سے بیماریاں پھیلاتے ہیں، کیونکہ اسوقت انسانوں کے مدافعاتی نظام کافی کمزور ہوتے ہیں۔ اسطرح ہم کہہ سکتے ہیں، دونوں معاشرتی اور بیماری ایک ٹپنگ پوائنٹ پر پہنچ جاتے ہیں، اور پھروہاں سے چیزیں روکنا ممکن نہیں رہتا۔ آئیڈیاز بھی متعدی بیماریوں کی طرح پھیلتے ہیں، جہاں چھوٹی چھوٹی چیزیں بہت بڑی بڑی تبدیلیوں کا سبب بن جاتی ہے۔

10x Short Questions

1. What is the 80/20 Principle, and how does it relate to our daily tasks?

The 80/20 Principle says that 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results in everything we do.

2. Why do many of us struggle with long to-do lists every day?

Because new tasks often appear while we work on our existing ones.

3. How is the 80/20 Principle like a circus clown juggling balls?

It’s like managing multiple tasks or products, trying to balance them all.

4. Why is understanding what truly matters important in today's world?

It helps us be more efficient and effective in our tasks.

5. What is the main lesson of the 80/20 Principle for individuals and companies?

Success can come from doing less but focusing on the most important tasks.

6. How can applying the 80/20 Principle to personal life improve relationships?

It can increase happiness and satisfaction in relationships with others.

7. What does the 80/20 Principle suggest about Hollywood's movie revenues?

20% of movies earn 80% of the revenue.

8. How does the 80/20 Principle relate to road accidents?

20% of drivers are responsible for 80% of road accidents.

9. What is the key to increasing efficiency dramatically according to the 80/20 Principle?

Identifying and concentrating on the most important 20% of our efforts.

10. What is the central message of the book "The 80/20 Principle"?

To achieve more with less effort by understanding and applying the 80/20 Principle in various aspects of life.

Check Your Knowledge
10x MCQs


Book Summary THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE Test-1 (QM)

Book Summary THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE Test-1 (QM)

The number of attempts remaining is 100

1 / 10

1. What does the 80/20 Principle suggest about Hollywood's movie revenues?

2 / 10

2. How can applying the 80/20 Principle to personal life improve relationships?

3 / 10

3. What is the central message of the book "The 80/20 Principle"?

4 / 10

4. What is the key to increasing efficiency dramatically according to the 80/20 Principle?

5 / 10

5. How does the 80/20 Principle relate to road accidents?

6 / 10

6. Why is understanding what truly matters important in today's world?

7 / 10

7. What is the 80/20 Principle primarily about?

8 / 10

8. What is the primary lesson of the 80/20 Principle for both individuals and companies?

9 / 10

9. Why do people often struggle with long to-do lists each day?

10 / 10

10. In the context of the 80/20 Principle, how is managing tasks like a circus clown?

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THE 80/20 RULE - STEP - 2


THE 80/20 RULE - STEP - 2





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