Book: The 80/20 Rule; Step-7

Published: 1997 & Pages: 336

11x Step Learning

80/20 Thinking

Now that you’ve discussed, how to use the 80/20 principle to narrow your product range and increase profitability, let’s explore its versatility in various aspects of business. The 80/20 principle is incredibly adaptable and can be applied to almost every area of business to enhance the chances of success. Take negotiations, for example, a crucial aspect of business dealings. In negotiations with customers, suppliers, or partners, an 80/20 analysis may reveal that only a few points truly matter. Instead of trying to win every point, focus on those that are most significant for your company.

Another application of the 80/20 principle is in targeting your marketing efforts. If a small percentage of your customers generate the majority of your business, concentrate on identifying and retaining them. Ensure their loyalty through exceptional customer service. When developing new products or services, direct your efforts toward this vital customer segment. This approach allows you to expand your market share while continuing to serve these valuable customers.

Consider Nicholas Barsan, a top real estate broker in the United States, earning over $1 million in personal commissions yearly. He derives a significant portion of this income from repeat customers who resell their houses. Clearly, his focus on keeping his best clients satisfied is a profitable strategy. By now, it should be evident that the 80/20 principle has nearly universal applications in any business, making it a valuable tool for achieving success.


بسم اللہ الرحمان الرحیم،
کتاب، ٹپنگ پوائنٹ (The Tipping Point) میلکم گلیڈ ویل نے سال ۲۰۰۰ میں لکھی، یہ ۳۰۰ صفحات کی کتاب ہے۔ اور اپنی اشاعت کیساتھ ہی یہ کتاب بہت زیادہ فروخت ہونے والی کتابوں میں شامل ہو چکی تھی۔ یہ کتاب ہماری دنیا میں پاےَ جانے والے ٹپنگ پوائنٹس کے بارے میں ہے۔ مصنف کے مطابق، ہر چیز، ہر آئیڈیا کا ایک ٹپنگ پوائنٹ آتا ہے، اور جب یہ پوائنٹ آ جاتا ہے تو پھر وہ چیز، وہ آئیڈیا ایک متعدی (Infectious ) بیماری کی طرح،جنگل کے آگ کی طرح پھِیل جاتی ہے۔
مثلا ہش پپیز (Hush Puppies ) کافی عرصہ تک صرف شیلف پر موجود تھے، انہیں کوئی نہیں جانتا تھا۔ پھر ۱۹۹۰ کی دھائی میں مین ہٹن (Manhattan ) کے چند اہم لوگوں نے ان شوز کو استعمال کرنا شروع کیا۔ اور پھر جیسے ہش پپیز- یکدم پوری دنیا میں مشہور ہوگئے۔ انکی سیل اگلے سال ۳۰ ہزار ، پھر اگلے سال چار لاکھ تیس ہزار اور اس سے اگلے سال بیس لاکھ شوز بیچے گئے۔ تو ہش پپیز-بننے کے اگلے سال ہی نہیں، بلکہ چند لوگوں کی لگاتار محنت نے چند سالوں کے بعد انہیں کامیابی ملی۔
اور معاشرتی سطح پر وائرل ہونے والی چیزوں کی مثال بھی، متعدی (تیزی سے) پھیلنے والی بیماریوں کی طرح ہے۔ اور کسی چیز کے وائرل ہونے میں بعض اوقات چھوٹی چھوٹی چیزیں اہم رول پلے کرتی ہیں۔ مثلا سردیوں میں وائرس زیادہ تیزی سے بیماریاں پھیلاتے ہیں، کیونکہ اسوقت انسانوں کے مدافعاتی نظام کافی کمزور ہوتے ہیں۔ اسطرح ہم کہہ سکتے ہیں، دونوں معاشرتی اور بیماری ایک ٹپنگ پوائنٹ پر پہنچ جاتے ہیں، اور پھروہاں سے چیزیں روکنا ممکن نہیں رہتا۔ آئیڈیاز بھی متعدی بیماریوں کی طرح پھیلتے ہیں، جہاں چھوٹی چھوٹی چیزیں بہت بڑی بڑی تبدیلیوں کا سبب بن جاتی ہے۔

10x Short Questions

1. How can the 80/20 principle be used in negotiations, as mentioned in the paragraph?

By focusing on the most important points rather than trying to win all points.

2. What is one example of where you can apply the 80/20 principle in business?

Targeting your marketing efforts to retain the most valuable customers.

3. What does the 80/20 analysis reveal in negotiations?

That only a few points truly matter to your company.

4. How can you ensure the loyalty of the top 20 percent of your customers?

By providing exceptional customer service.

5. What should you do when developing new products or services with the 80/20 principle in mind?

Target the same 20 percent of your most valuable customers.

6. Who is Nicholas Barsan, and why is he mentioned in the paragraph?

 He’s a top real estate broker, and he earns a substantial income from repeat customers, emphasizing the value of retaining loyal clients.

7. What's the key takeaway from the paragraph regarding the 80/20 principle in business?

The 80/20 principle can be applied to various business aspects, enhancing the chances of success.

8. How does the 80/20 principle help in negotiations?

 It enables you to focus on winning the most important points, rather than all of them.

9. What's the benefit of targeting marketing efforts at the most valuable customers?

It can increase your business’s profitability and market share.

10. Why is Nicholas Barsan an example of the 80/20 principle's effectiveness?

He emphasizes the profitability of retaining repeat customers and focusing on their needs.

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10x MCQs


Book Summary THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE Test-7 (QM)

Book Summary THE 80/20 PRINCIPLE Test-7 (QM)

The number of attempts remaining is 100

1 / 10

1. What does the 80/20 analysis reveal in negotiations?

2 / 10

2. How does the 80/20 principle help in negotiations?

3 / 10

3. What's the benefit of targeting marketing efforts at the most valuable customers?

4 / 10

4. How can the 80/20 principle be used in negotiations, as mentioned in the paragraph?

5 / 10

5. How can you ensure the loyalty of the top 20 percent of your customers?

6 / 10

6. What is one example of where you can apply the 80/20 principle in business?

7 / 10

7. What should you do when developing new products or services with the 80/20
principle in mind?

8 / 10

8. Why is Nicholas Barsan an example of the 80/20 principle's effectiveness?

9 / 10

9. Who is Nicholas Barsan, and why is he mentioned in the paragraph?

10 / 10

10. What's the key takeaway from the paragraph regarding the 80/20 principle in

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THE 80/20 RULE - STEP - 8


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THE 80/20 RULE - STEP - 6

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