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DOs & DON'Ts of Group Discussion

Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Group Discussions (GD) at ISSB Pakistan, based on the previous discussions on the importance, preparation, and essentials for Group Discussions (GD).

DOs of Group Discussion

  • Prepare Thoroughly:

    • Understand the topic well and be ready with key points before the GD begins.
  • Participate Actively:

    • Engage in the discussion without dominating it. Contribute meaningfully.
  • Listen Attentively:

    • Pay close attention to others’ points to build on or counter them effectively.
  • Be Clear and Concise:

    • Express your ideas clearly and avoid long, winding statements.
  • Maintain Positive Body Language:

    • Use appropriate gestures, maintain eye contact, and keep an open posture.
  • Respect Others’ Opinions:

    • Show respect for differing views and acknowledge good points made by others.
  • Encourage Participation:

    • Invite quieter members to share their thoughts, showing teamwork and leadership.
  • Stay Relevant:

    • Stick to the topic and avoid bringing in irrelevant points or digressions.
  • Be Confident and Assertive:

    • Speak with confidence, but ensure you are assertive without being aggressive.
  • Summarize Effectively:

    • If given the opportunity, provide a clear and concise summary of the discussion.

بسم اللہ الرحمان الرحیم

اردو ترجمہ جلد پوسٹ کر دیا جاےَ گا، انشاء اللہ


DON'Ts of Group Discussion

    • Don’t Interrupt:

      • Avoid cutting others off mid-sentence; wait for your turn to speak.
    • Don’t Dominate the Discussion:

      • Do not monopolize the conversation; allow others to express their views.
    • Don’t Get Personal:

      • Focus on the topic at hand and avoid personal attacks or comments.
    • Don’t Use Complex Language:

      • Avoid jargon or overly complex language that might confuse others.
    • Don’t Lose Composure:

      • Stay calm even if the discussion gets heated; do not let emotions take over.
    • Don’t Deviate from the Topic:

      • Stay focused on the subject of discussion; avoid unnecessary tangents.
    • Don’t Shout or Raise Your Voice:

      • Maintain a calm and composed tone; shouting can come off as unprofessional.
    • Don’t Be Negative or Dismissive:

      • Do not dismiss others’ ideas outright; provide constructive feedback instead.
    • Don’t Ignore Non-Verbal Cues:

      • Pay attention to your body language as well as others’; it’s an important part of communication.
    • Don’t Overlook Time Limits:

      • Be mindful of the time allotted for each point and for the overall discussion.

اردو ترجمہ جلد پوسٹ کر دیا جاےَ گا، انشاء اللہ


20x MCQ Test
DOs & DON'Ts of GD


ISSB GD - DO's of GD (QM)

ISSB GD - DO's of GD Part-I (QM)

The number of attempts remaining is 100

1 / 10

1. Why is staying relevant important in a GD?

2 / 10

2. What should you do to prepare for a GD at ISSB?

3 / 10

3. How should you speak during a GD to show confidence?

4 / 10

4. What is an important role you can play at the end of a GD?

5 / 10

5. How should you engage in a GD?

6 / 10

6. How should you express your ideas in a GD?

7 / 10

7. What should you do if some members are not participating actively in a GD?

8 / 10

8. What type of body language should you maintain during a GD?

9 / 10

9. How should you handle differing opinions in a GD?

10 / 10

10. What is the importance of listening during a GD?

Your score is



Thank You for Your Judgement!!!



ISSB GD - DON’Ts of GD Part-II (QM)

The number of attempts remaining is 100

1 / 10

1. Why should you avoid deviating from the topic during a GD?

2 / 10

2. How should you handle ideas that you disagree with in a GD?

3 / 10

3. What type of language should be avoided during a GD?

4 / 10

4. Why should you avoid dominating the discussion in a GD?

5 / 10

5. What should you avoid doing if the discussion becomes intense?

6 / 10

6. Why should you be mindful of time limits during a GD?

7 / 10

7. What is important to remember about non-verbal communication in a GD?

8 / 10

8. What should you avoid doing to maintain a professional discussion?

9 / 10

9. What should you avoid doing when someone else is speaking in a GD?

10 / 10

10. What is the risk of shouting or raising your voice in a GD?

Your score is



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How to Prepare (GD)


How to Prepare (GD)


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